Our merry travelers agreed to meet at 7:00 AM for breakfast in Carson City. However, some of our band of seven dwarfs were already up and cleaning their bikes at 6:00 AM. Apparently, rising early is still the bain of the working class. John, one of only two of the retired members, was not among them.
After a hearty breakfast at Grandma Hatties, we departed Carson City at 8:30 AM and headed for our first stop, a butt-busting 30 miles away, Reno, NV. Reno advertised a spring Street Vibrations motorcycle event for this weekend. We pulled into Reno Harley-Davidson at 9:00 AM to find the parking lot empty and the dealership closed until 10:00 AM. To add insult to injury, John’s headlight and passing lights had once again gone to the dark side. Damn you Darth Vader.
While waiting for the dealer to open, Jack and John once again began a diagnosis of the problem and located a short in the lighting wires under the clutch perch clamp. When the dealer opened the faulty wire harness was replaced, the lights came back on, and John’s wallet was $200 lighter. Before we departed Reno we got a good lunch tout from the service techs at the dealership, and had lunch at The BBQ House on Wells that advertised “Oakland Style BBQ.” It was very tasty and is highly recommended.
The weather was perfect for riding, mid-seventies to eighty degrees, clear skies and light winds—beautiful! As we traveled north and re-entered California the change from Southern California to Northern California was readily apparent, the countryside dramatically transformed from brown to green.
We arrived in Klamath Falls just in time to retire to the “Creamery,” a local sports bar to watch the final minutes of the second LA Lakers vs. Orlando Magic play-off game. The Lakers won in OT—Go Lakers!
Today was a 310 mile riding day. And, we did learn something very disturbing. There are no falls in Klamath Falls. What a disappointment. Tomorrow, we’re off to Crater Lake National Park and Yakima, WA.
Hi Papa!
Sounds so beautiful up there. Keep up the safe riding, I hope your lighting issues are behind you. :))
Lots of love.....V
Sounds like an easy going trip so far. You've got your mechanics on board! There is so much beauty yet to unveil. Can't wait to see pix of Canada and the glaciers. Y'all look happy. Kep having fun and be safe!
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