Greetings Horck Adventure followers.
After having returned from our Canadian ride last spring, our merry band of Harley drivers have participated in a number of short day rides throughout the remainder of the 2009 summer and fall and into the winter of 2010, hugging the coast for the most part to avoid what we California riders call "cold weather," you know anything below 70 degrees. Sorry mid-westerners and easterners, hope you find your bikes this spring under all that snow. Fortunately for us year-around riders, these short day rides only serve to wet our appetites for the big one every year, Alaska in 2008 and Banff/Lake Louise, Canada in 2009. This year the consensus is that we really need to stretch our wheeled legs, four weeks on the road, 8,000 miles, commencing in August, 2010, destination . . . Nova Scotia, Canada, and the New England States.
Successful month-long group motorcycle rides require a significant amount of advance planning. When do we leave, what route will we take, who's going, where will we stay, how much will it cost, where will we get our bikes serviced, what do we want to see, and so forth? To that end we must again thank Lane for hosting our first two planning meetings, which also included excellent suppers, ,complete with adult beverages for those who indulge. The attached photo shows our tentative group of planners and riders, left to right: Lane, Scott, John "the Horck," Bob, Jack, Steve, Tim and wife Sylvia.
We have settled on a tentative route to Nova Scotia via Sturgus, South Dakota, for the 70th anniversary celebration of the event, and then on to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a tour of the new Harley-Davidson museum. Then, we'll head up over the Great Lakes into Canada and on to the east coast and Nova Scotia before turning south through the New England states. We're currently reviewing recommended sights to see in New England before finalizing our tour route there.
Please stay tuned as we continue to plan this journey. As always, we will be posting photos and commentary along the route so that you can share in our riding adventure. It should prove to be an interesting, if not challenging and rewarding experience.
Until next time, I remain your faithful servant and commentator.
The Horck. 2/23/10 by Thehorck Delete
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