Tuesday, June 26, 2012

D2D Day 16 Whitehorse, Yukon Territory -- All Day


We got up early this morning and were waiting at the front door of Lister's Kawasaki when they opened in an attempt to get Lane's leaking radiator repaired. We were informed that they couldn't help us; they wouldn't even look at it. We were told that it was "marine week" and they were two weeks behind in their shop work. They also service boats. We asked how long to get a radiator, if we ordered one and put it in ourselves, "three or four days." What can you do for us? "Nothing, try Yukon Motorcycle Center."

We left and went to the recommended shop where we were greeted warmly by the owner, Dean Philpott, who said that he heard from Dona Novecosky, owner of the Klondike Rib & Salmon restaurant that we were having motorcycle trouble and might be by. Phil assured us that he understood our dilemma and would do everything he could to get us on our way. "There is a radiator shop right around the corner," he said.

It looked like we were going to be in Whitehorse another night. So, we returned to our hotel and found that they were booked. We would have to move. Fortunately, they found us another hotel in close proximity.

We walked downtown and had an excellent Salmon burger lunch at Dona's Klondike Rib & Salmon restaurant and thanked her for "greasing the skids" at Dean's motorcycle shop.

Following lunch, we walked down to the south end of town where the Klondike sternwheeler museum is located. For $6.50 each we took the guided tour of the dry docked paddle wheeler. The Klondike was constructed in 1929 to transport cargo, silver/lead ore and a few passengers between Whitehorse and Dawson City. The downstream run took 36 hours with two wood refueling stops along the way. Upstream took longer. The ship burned two cords of wood per hour. Unfortunately, the Klondike ran aground in 1936 and had to be rebuilt. It remained in service until 1955. The paddle wheel alone weighs 22 tons.

Retuning to the hotel we called the motorcycle shop and were told that they had not received the radiator back from the radiator shop, but they would call when they had more news.

So, we walked into town for supper and enjoyed a good Mexican dinner at Sanchez' Mexican restaurant. En route to dinner, the motorcycle shop called and said the radiator has been repaired but the epoxy they used to repair a split in a cooling tube would need to cure overnight. They will reinstall it in the morning.

We enjoyed a couple of adult beverages in town and called it a night. Tomorrow, we will be anxious to get underway.

Here are a few pictctures:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Boys,

Glad you were able to get Lanes radiator taken care. May the rest of your journey home be enjoyable and safe.

Love to and safe ridding to you both.
